The POV Book


The POV Book

Through his photography, Mateo Cobos documents Imos painting in 2022 in the city of Rome, where charming old traditions and modern reality blend together.

The duo roam the Capital far and wide for one year straight, from the city center all the way to the suburbs, shedding light on its architecture and lifestyles.

Actions shot mostly during the day create an unusual dialogue between Imos, Mateo Cobos, the city and the citizens, and turn the stereotype of graffiti writers working by night with hid den identities upside down.

The book contains 20 chapters with respective texts narrating the stories and process behind each mission, and the intime relationship between an illegal and subversive form of expression and the aesthetic research behind it.

230 pages
Language: English
Authors: IMOS x Mateo Cobos